娛樂城優惠-百家樂密技娛樂城優惠-百家樂密技 7月25日,滙豐發表聲明,稱其對華為「沒有任何惡意」,也沒有「構陷華為」,但相關細節仍存在諸多疑點。2013年8月,孟晚舟與滙豐一高管在香港某餐廳見面,就華為在伊朗的業務和合規性做了說明,用作說明的PPT後來被滙豐呈交美國司法部,成為孟晚舟引渡案的關鍵證據。娛樂城優惠-百家樂密技外媒披露的滙豐資料顯示,該會面是華為提出的。娛樂城優惠-百家樂密技但有知情人士向劉欣披露,事情並非如此。真相究竟是什麼?誰在說謊?為什麼要撒謊?#孟晚舟##孟晚舟證據披露# #滙豐銀行發澄清聲明# HSBC released a statement on Saturday, saying HSBC was not involved in the decision by the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate Huawei and it does not have any hostility towards Huawei, adding that it did not 「frame」 or 「set traps to ensnare Huawei.」 On August 22, 2013, Meng Wanzhou met with a senior HSBC executive in a restaurant in Hong Kong. During the meeting, she made a presentation about Huawei『s business links in Iran and its efforts to comply with U.S. sanctions. The U.S. claims that the presentation is the key evidence of its allegations of fraud against the tech giant』s CFO, who is undergoing an extradition trial in Canada. According to Reuters, an internal probe by HSBC found the meeting was initiated by Huawei. Is this the full story? CGTN『s Liu Xin spoke to a person in the know who says otherwise.